Snow Cones

As I stepped outside into the blistering heat last week in Denver, I could feel the sun bearing down on me with such intensity that I thought I might melt right into the pavement. The record heat wave that had settled over the city seemed to have everyone in a state of exhaustion and agitation. But for me, it sparked a burst of creativity that I never could have anticipated.

Growing up in Los Angeles, California, hot summer days were a familiar experience. One of my fondest childhood memories was sitting on the curb of the sidewalk, trying to eat a snow cone before it melted into a colorful puddle. The vibrant red, yellow, blue, and green of the icy treat would swirl together and then turn into a dark, murky color as it dripped onto the hot pavement. It was a simple moment, but one that has stayed with me throughout the years. 

As I sweated under the relentless heat, that memory came rushing back to me with such clarity that I knew I had to capture it in my art. I picked up my brushes and paints and set to work, creating two abstract pieces that I titled "Snow Cones." The colors blended and swirled together just like they had on that hot summer day so many years ago.

 The pieces were a blast of reds, yellows, and a hint of orange, with streaks of blue and green cutting through the warm hues. It was a representation of the colors of the snow cone would mix and meld together as it melted. The black a reflection of the dark, murky puddle that would form on the pavement as the ice dripped away from the pointy end of the paper cone.

As I worked on these pieces, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. The heat that had been so oppressive just moments before seemed to fade into the background as I lost myself in the swirls and patterns of the paint. The memories of that summer day in LA became more vivid with each brushstroke, and I felt a sense of nostalgia and longing for simpler times.

When I finally finished the pieces, I stood back to admire them. They were a wonderful representation of that childhood memory, a tangible reminder of a moment that had stuck with me for so long. I knew that I had created something cool, and I felt a profound sense of satisfaction and pride in my work. 

The record heat wave in Denver may have been a challenge for many, but for me, it was a source of inspiration. It pushed me to create something beautiful and meaningful, and I am grateful for that burst of creativity that came from the scorching temperatures. "Snow Cones" will always hold a special place in my heart, a reminder of a hot summer day and a sweet, icy treat enjoyed on the sidewalk of my childhood.

